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Moments Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moments-of-life" Showing 1-30 of 80
Hafsah Faizal
"There were moments before moments, in which the world was framed in startling clarity, a defined before hurtling toward a horrible after. Moments in which the powerful were powerless, in which promises became failings.
This was such a moment."
Hafsah Faizal, We Free the Stars

"You were born on a moving train.
And even though it feels like you're standing still,
time is sweeping past you, right where you sit.
But once in a while you look up,
and actually feel the inertia,
and watch as the present turns into a memory
—as if some future you is already looking back on it.

Dès Vu.

One day you'll remember this moment,
and it'll mean something very different.
Maybe you'll cringe and laugh,
or brim with pride, aching to return.
or notice some detail hidden in the scene,
a future landmark making its first appearance
or discreetly taking its final bow.

So you try to sense it ahead of time, looking for clues,
as if you're walking through the memory while it's still happening,
feeling for all the world like a time traveler.

The world around you is secretly strange:
some details are charming and dated,
others precious and irretrievable,
but all fade into the quaint texture of the day.

You try to read the faces around you,
each fretting about the day's concerns,
not yet realizing that this world is already out of their hands.
That it doesn't have to be this way, it just sort of happened,
and everything will soon be completely different.

Because you really are a time traveler,
leaping into the future in little tentative steps.
Just a kid stuck in a strange land without a map,
With nothing to do but soak in the moment
and take one last look before moving on.

But another part of you is already an old man,
looking back on things.
Waiting at the door for his granddaughter,
who's trying to make her way home for a visit.
You are two people still separated by an ocean of time,
Part of you bursting to talk about what you saw,
Part of you longing to tell you what it means."
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Eric Overby
"Be present to the people in front
of you from moment to moment.
Electronics and technology have a
way of clouding our vision for the people
sitting next to us. Uncloud your life, look around.
Be present."
Eric Overby, Journey

Michael Whone
"I feel this very bittersweet moment so well, and so clearly, and so fondly, especially since to feel the bittersweet moments of life is to feel the best of it all."
Michael Whone, Winter Lyric

Debatrayee Banerjee
"Finally, I have come to realise that an imperfect Life is actually the most perfect Life. I have come to see how Life is beautiful in all its colours, more so because the shades of grey bind them and paint them with even more radiance. A clear sky is always beautiful but what if we never have rain or storm? Sunshine is always wonderful but what if we never have the soothing dusk or the cold night to coil in our own misty self? Storms that come to jolt us often leave us with more courage as we sail along the gust to chase a silver lining. The scorching heat that chokes us often makes us wait more eagerly for that balm of rain. So is Life, in all those moments of sunset we have the hope of the following sunrise, and if we may wait and absorb all that crumbling ray of that sunset we would be able to paint our sunrise with even more crimson smile. Because just like a story, nothing in Life is really concrete without patience. We cannot skip pages of a book because each line contains just so much to seep in, and to have the story fully lived inside our heart and soul we have to keep reading until the very end to feel that sense of peaceful happiness, that always clutches us no matter how the ending is drafted. In the same manner, we have to keep walking through Life, as each and every step of ours leads us to the destination of our Life, the destination of peace, the destination of knowledge of self. The best part of this walk is that it is never a straight line, but is always filled with curves and turns, making us aware of our spirit, laughing loud at times while mourning deep at times. But that is what Life is all about, a bunch of imperfect moments to smile as perfect memories sailing through the potholes of Life, because a straight line even in the world of science means death, after all monotony of perfection is the most cold imperfection.
So as we walk through difficult times, may we realise that this sunset is not forever's and that the winter often makes us more aware of the spring. As we drive through a dark night, may we halt for a moment and watch for the stars, the smile of the very stars of gratitude and love that is always there even in the darkest sky of the gloomiest night. As we sail along the ship of Life, may we remember that the winds often guide us to our destination and the storms only come to make our voyage even more adventurous, while the rain clears the cloud so that we may gaze at the full glory of the sky above, with a perfect smile through a voyage of imperfect moments of forever's shine.
And so as we keep turning the pages of Life, may we remember to wear that Smile, through every leaf of Life, for Life is rooted in the blooming foliage of its imperfect perfection."
Debatrayee Banerjee

Anthon St. Maarten
"Every moment is your miracle."
Anthon St. Maarten

Mehmet Murat ildan
"Everyone has the desire to freeze a wonderful moment they are in, just like a camera, and stay in that moment forever!"
Mehmet Murat ildan

Hafsah Faizal
"There were moments before moments, in which the world was framed in startling clarity, a defined before hurtling toward a horribleafter. Moments in which the powerful were powerless, in which promises became failings.
This was such a moment."
Hafsah Faizal, We Free the Stars

"वक़्त की शाख़ पर
टिका है वो लम्हा
आज भी जस का तस ।।"
Pushpindra Chagti Bhandari, Wo Lamha

C. Robert Cargill
"It's not about getting by. It's about the stack of tiny little moments of joy and love that add up to a lifetime that's been worthwhile. You can't measure them; you can only capture them, like snapshots in your mind."
C. Robert Cargill, Sea of Rust

"I Believe in making Memories,
as then you're seldom alone!"
Somya Kedia

Donna Goddard
"If we learn not to grab, insist, manipulate, or force then the precious moments have more chance of just appearing, usually when we are not looking. They may even stay a little longer, if we do not grasp onto them insisting that they do not move. With practice, consistency, and commitment to the evolution of the partnership, something beautiful and meaningful has a chance of evolving."
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing

"As I inch forward to embrace my life with purpose and passion, I sense no time God never actively involved in every detail of my life."
Joseph Jacson K.

Laura Chouette
"How short the happy moments seem and how endless the sad ones."
Laura Chouette

"There are millions of incredible moments in a day. Even if you lose 1000's, there are 100's of them still left. Make them yours."
Hiral Nagda

Julianne MacLean
"You think my dancing with you would be a waste of my time? Have you never lived for the moment, Mrs. Wheaton?"
Evelyn swallowed uncomfortably, then felt the color leave her cheeks. "No, I have not," she said, and turned to leave. She did not like the question.
"You should," he called after her, "because that's what life is. A series of moments. Nothing more. We must endeavor to enjoy every single one. Forget about the past and future. They have no place in the present."
But Evelyn did not turn back, nor did she respond, because in her opinion, life was much more than a series of moments- for all moments had consequences, and consequences could bring pain.
And pain could not simply be "forgotten."
Julianne MacLean, Surrender to a Scoundrel

Julianne MacLean
"She remembered what he'd said in the hotel, that life was just a series of moments, and though she still did not agree with the idea that consequences played no part, she gave in to the possibility that there might be some wisdom in what he was trying to show her- that one had to enjoy life day by day and seize opportunities when they presented themselves, because one never knew when it could all end."
Julianne MacLean, Surrender to a Scoundrel

Tricia Goyer
"I can actually feel the house getting dirty. Like I have nerve endings in the carpet. - Allyson"
Tricia Goyer, Mom's Night Out

Tricia Goyer
"If you were to lock me away in a white room in a straitjacket it would actually feel comforting as long as the walls were spotless and nobody wore shoes. - Allyson"
Tricia Goyer, Mom's Night Out

Abhijit Naskar
"Empirically speaking, there is no such thing as history, destiny and even future for that matter, what there really is, is the "now". And this very "now" – this very moment is the only thing which you have in your hands – in fact, it is the only time that actually exists – the "now". So, be aware of that "now"and you will literally begin to see all moments like a true seer, without all the mystical nonsense."
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Rehan Khan
"Life is made of moments, each moment an opportunity"
Rehan Khan, A Tudor Turk

Régis Jauffret
"Certains instants sont tenaces et leur ténacité est injuste."
Régis Jauffret, Papa

Debatrayee Banerjee
"It was a breezy rainy day. As the breathful afternoon melted away into a warm evening, the cold caress of fresh air lapped up my heart with images of forever's smile. I watched and watched how a little boy walked hand in hand with his mother, how an old man sat waiting for someone in a distant shelter, how a youthful love sparkled away in that gentle embrace of moments in making, how an old lady watched the children laughing away in a happy carousel, how a noisy afternoon throbbed through clutching silences, how the sky sailed along a bunch of stories never to share, an untold harmony of unsung moments. And as the rain smoothed its wings to a lulling breeze, I saw a day smiling with moments of forever's shine. It was a breezy rainy day, and one of the most beautiful days of my wandering heart."
Debatrayee Banerjee

Corinne Beenfield
"She had thought it would be easy from there. It wasn't. It was simple, but not easy. There was joy, but terror, too, as though stepping back from a ship's helm and letting the journey go. It sounded romantic enough until being dashed to pieces against the rocks. It was the loveliest tiny moments that would drench Helen in happiness, like when Lyric was nestled in the crook of her arm, resisting falling asleep. Helen had brushed a finger down the child's nose. Her drowsy eyes had fluttered yet followed Helen's finger, going cross-eyed just as Helen reached the nose tip. For a moment, the joy and love saturated everything."
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter

"The moment she were here, I was able to see her, the moment she's not here, I am able to feel her, she is air, present in every touch of it ! Mother ❤️"

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Alice Tyszka
"We only get a few
In this life
We must live and love
them well"
Alice Tyszka

"The thing which hurts you; actually shakes you. The thing which breaks you; actually makes you."
Wrushank Sorte

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